Enabling organizations to manage activist risks and maintain their social license to operate

Clients rely on us to enhance their ability to anticipate and navigate activism campaigns that could affect their social license to operate, disrupt operations, or compromise employee safety. With curated intelligence and direct insights from our analysts, organizations are better equipped to manage activism, adapt to societal shifts, and safeguard their social license.


  • Activism can affect targeted organizations in a variety of ways, creating reputational, financial, operational, and physical security risks. Companies at the center of a concerted and organized activist campaign will be forced to navigate the complexity of these often overlapping risks.
  • Activist issues can quickly move from a niche concern to the front page, resulting in a public backlash and greater scrutiny, with implications for a company’s stock price or a sector’s regulatory environment.
  • Proactive monitoring paired with deep expertise in activist issues and campaigns will position companies to mitigate these risks and preserve their social license.
  • Beyond responding to targeted activist campaigns, forward-looking companies that understand activism and related social dynamics can turn these insights into opportunities.
  • Our expert team monitors and reports on political and activism risks, freeing your team to focus on the broader intelligence picture for your business. Using advanced systems and AI tools, we cut through the noise and manage the complexities of tracking and analyzing activism on your behalf.
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What We Offer

We are a team of expert analysts delivering global, industry-specific open source activism intelligence. By monitoring, collecting, and curating activism signals, we enhance your intelligence framework with reliable, unbiased insights—all tailored to your needs and for less than the cost of a full-time, in-house analyst.


Our portal provides access to almost 10 years of archived content and a forward-looking forecast of planned actions. Our analysts review every action to ensure they accurately state who, what, where, when, and how. Our articles dive deeper into trends, shifts, and reasons behind activism activity. Other available analysis includes weekly outlooks, sector reports, and in-depth coverage of major events like the Olympics, US Elections, and movements such as Black Lives Matter, Palestinian solidarity, and the farmer protests in Europe.

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Our Insight and Foresight subscriptions provide direct access to our expert analysts to address your unique intelligence needs—whether it’s capital projects, sensitive geographies, strategic business risks, or executive participation at key industry events. We deliver historical insights, deep knowledge of activist groups and issues, and expert analysis of potential tactics empowering you to anticipate and navigate emerging risks with confidence.

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Sometimes, our clients need more tailored support; that is where our bespoke offering comes in. With bespoke work, our expert analysts work directly for you on your specific requirements. Some common bespoke work includes group or campaign profiles, AGM or event monitoring, specific reporting, red-team gaming, or threat and risk assessments. 

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What our customers are saying


FORESIGHT’s proactive alert two days ago, alerting us to the protest in our area of interest, allowed us to give the market a heads-up.

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FORESIGHT has been invaluable in reducing the negative effects of staff turnover thereby ensuring the continuity of historical corporate risk knowledge.

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I find the FORESIGHT daily reporting extraordinarily useful information, presented in a logical and practical format. The FORESIGHT reports are equally well done and very valuable.

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FORESIGHT is a force multiplier in mitigating the activist threat. They have helped us reduce organizational risk while ensuring continued services to our citizens.

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